B2B firms – what are the benefits of outsourcing your marketing

August 23, 2020
In many young businesses, when they first start out, the founders will be responsible for their marketing and business development. Then, there often comes that critical point when the founders will need to free up valuable management time - and this is when benefits of outsourcing marketing activity to an experienced agency can make good sense.
Senior level marketing support at a fraction of the cost
One of the key benefits of outsourcing marketing activity is experienced marketing support, for significantly less than the cost of employing a full time marketing director. For many SMEs regular part-time support can be key in developing an effective marketing strategy, implementing the marketing plan and measuring the results– essential if SMEs are to achieve their long-term goals.
A fresh pair of eyes to give your marketing a boost
Reviewing your marketing approach with someone from outside your business can prove invaluable. Is your branding still fit for purpose? Are there any untapped market segments that you should target? Are you making the most of the opportunities presented by the latest in digital marketing? Do you have appropriate content for each stage of your prospects’ journey? Do you monitor your sales funnel effectively? Your marketing and business development activity could receive a significant uplift from injecting fresh ideas into the business and having an extra resource to deliver the plan.
Structured approach to your marketing strategy
Your marketing specialist can introduce a structured, systematic approach to your marketing. Having a formalised, well-thought out marketing strategy with a detailed marketing plan and appropriate KPIs means that everybody in the business can have a clear understanding of where you are going and how to get there.
Outsourced marketing implementation - the key to success
Time is always a problem in growing businesses – and it is often too easy to let the marketing plan slip. When there is a production issue or the need to solve a customer query, it is very natural to delay updating your website or writing that monthly blog. This is where your outsourced marketing support comes in – they will work to a 12 month schedule and deliver the plan on time and to an agreed budget.
Your outsourced marketing support can evolve as your business does
Over time, your business needs will need to change - and you might choose to bring your marketing in-house. Your agency can help you train up your internal team and provide additional support as and when you require.
Benefits of outsourcing marketing - a flexible option
2020 has been like no other year – and has demonstrated just how difficult future planning can be. Some businesses have never been busier whilst others have been their revenues drop off the edge of a cliff. Flexibility is key – and outsourcing your marketing department can provide an ideal solution. As your marketing requirements change, the level of input can be quickly increased or decreased.
Outsourcing your marketing department. So, what makes a successful relationship?
There is little doubt that a long-term successful relationship between the client and the outsourced marketing agency is a two way process. It does depend on having good open communication – with clear objectives and budgets being agreed from the outset. The client needs to be available for regular marketing meetings – with the right people being in the room in these meetings to agree actions and to sign off work.
Is outsourcing your marketing department for you?
An outsourced marketing solution makes good sense for many SMEs. Some choose to have director level marketing experience, at a fraction of the cost, as a long-term solution to support their in-house capability whilst for others it is a valuable stepping stone to growing their own internal marketing resource.
RMC provides long-term outsourced marketing services to B2B companies, including professional services, manufacturing and medical device firms. If you would like to find out more and how we could help your business, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
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